
United Nation Week At Dubai

United Nation Week At Dubai

Friday, 27 November 2015

Miss Earth 2015 at UNIDO

Miss Earth 2015 at UNIDO 

Miss Earth candidates attended an environmental symposium at UNIDO in Vienna

The Miss Earth 2015 Environmental Symposium on Climate Change was hosted at the UN (United Nations) in Vienna Austria with presentations from UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) Speakers. Each delegate presented themselves and their environmental involvement together with Lorraine E. Schuck, EVP of Carousel Productions Inc.

Miss Earth at UNIDO

Miss Earth at UNIDO

Miss Earth 2015 at UNIDO  

 UNIDO is a specialized branch of United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. One of its three main mandates as laid out in the Lima Declaration is to safeguard the environment.
Miss Earth 2015 contestants at UNIDO
Miss Earth 2015 contestants at UNIDO
Miss Earth 2015 at UNIDO
Miss Earth 2015 at UNIDO
Miss Earth candidates took the opportunity to present their environmental projects which are also known as eco-projects. Several distinguished speakers were invited during the symposium. These  include Ms. Diana Olando-Oyugi, (president of the United Nations Women’s Guild (UNWG)) Mr. Pradeep Monga (Director of Energy Branch, UNIDO Special Representative of the Director General on Energy United Nations Industrial Development Organization), Ms. Loreta Stankeviciute (IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency), Mr. Ole Nielsen (UNIDO Montreal Protocol Unit Environment Branch), Ms. Natalie Brely (CTBTO Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization) and Mr. Mattias Jurek, (UNEP Joint Expert at UNEP/GRID-Arendal United Nations Environment Programme). The keynote speaker is Mr. Sulpicio M. Confiado, Deputy Cheif of Mission, Consul General
Embassy of the Philippines in Austria.
Miss Earth at UNIDO
Miss Earth at UNIDO
Miss Earth 2015 at UNIDO
Miss Earth 2015 at UNIDO

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